
SGCh HK's Sweet and Spicy at Flowsnake GPC
Bred by Tea @ Hollow Kingdom
Kittens: Peridot, Zacian, Junco, Tansy, Chester, Phoebe, Masaru, Samara

Like any alley cat, Cayenne is a little hard to bond with, not because he's unlovable (I mean, I'd be a total hypocrite if I said grumpy kitties were unlovable) but because, well, he's grumpy, and it's a little bit of a challenge to get Alley Catz to bond with you. But I still love him, and in fact, Cayenne was bred specifically for me! Tea has a service where you can get your dream AC, and so obviously I had to ask for a red and black kitty with blue eyes and a pooftail, because come on, it's the platonic ideal of Catz. We're a match made in Heaven, even if he likes Zamazenta a lot more than he likes me. I've come to find he's also wonderful with kittens; it always warms my heart to see him be so gentle with a new cat, even bathing them sometimes. He's super well-behaved for an alley cat, too, as his Petz Citizen judges have pointed out.