Cookie Dough

Lex's Pretty Rave Girl at Flowsnake
Hexed by Lex @ Lunar Lex Petz
Kittens: Oreo Milkshake, Scatorccio, Elena, Yuri

For the 2023 Fall Festival, I hosted a horror movie-themed booth where people could win Halloween-colored/generally spooky hexies. Because she wasn't able to get the Ghoul Tabby that I'd put up for one of the days, I traded one for one of her Raver Meezers instead, and MAN I still don't know how I lucked out that hard. Look at her!! Look AT her!!!! When I put her in my game to take a crew picture, I immediately became certain that I could never take her out- she's the perfect cat; I love the aesthetic and I love meezers, obviously. It felt a little wrong, though, to have a pet permanently in my game and not naturally raise it, so I decided to introduce her to the Flowsnake crew and if she clicked with any of the Catz I'd naturally raise her. She turned out to click with Ianto and especially Cider, so here we are!