SGCh Jovial's Second Chance at Flowsnake GPC
Bred by Kezune @ Jovial
Kittens: Jet, Juliette, Jubilee, Honeybee, Buttermilk, Scarlett

Oh, GT! I loved this cat as a kid. I made a clay model of his head in middle school art class, even- though of course I no longer have that. I didn't have a backup of his original P4 file, though, so while I could have a clone of him, I could never really have the same cat. Except then I came back to the community in 2023 and I can!? Whaaat. With the help of PetFlux, I was able to play with the original GT again, and OH MY GOD HE IS SO GOOFY. That head! Those proportions! Also, he loves the girl kitties and doesn't even attempt to care about Cayenne, which tracks with how I remembered him, LOL. It's so good to see this little guy again- it makes me feel like a kid, but this time in a good way 💗

By VanillaIce-Petz, c. 2010