
Lily's Fresh Jar of Skippy at Flowsnake
Bred by Lily @ Wild Abyss of Angels
Kittens: Walnut, Equinox, Beanie Baby, Sammy, Solstice

Another kitty from Lily! I'd been bemoaning the fact that my only girl kitty who wasn't spayed hated all the boys except for one, who she still wouldn't mate with, so I wasn't going to have any kittens from any of my younger cats. She offered to breed another one for me, and since I also happened to be very sick, I decided I deserved a little treat and said yes. And she IS a treat! I hadn't really played with a Maine Coon in ages, and oh man I forgot how cute they are. She's happy to see me she's happy to be here and she's SO happy to be jumping around on my silly little computer. :-) Both Peridot and Cider are in love with her, but even they weren't, she's a perfect baby kitty and I love her SO MUCH