
UGCh Medusa's Macrodata Refinement at Flowsnake FBC GPC
Bred by Buck @ Medusa
Kittens: Patches, Bashful, Billy

Petey is maybe the cutest cat I've ever met!! No offense to the others. In addition to his sweet little Chinchi personality- which, after Kiki, I've come to adore on Alleys- he's got so much playfulness in his lil body. He plays fetch, and I love watching him wiggle and bounce around when I play with him :") He cares more about playing with than eating treats, even, though he's not a trickster. He's definitely a unique kitty! I didn't naturally raise him originally, but I chose him for a gameplay contest and fell in love with him. He's also my first ever Ultimate Grand Champion show cat- a very special boy for sure.