St. Sniffer

FH's Come Out and Play at Flowsnake
Bred by Celia @ Filthy Hippie
Kittens: Cheddar

No, I don't know where her name came from, but I liked it when I named her and I like it now. Anyway, Sniffs (as I like to call her) was a keeper from a grab bag that never found her way into any of my breedings but who I also couldn't bring myself to MPA. She might not be the most "conventionally attractive" cat (although I personally think a nice alley tail can look good on any breed), but she's undeniably adorable, so when I started my gameplay contest entry, I knew who I had to raise alongside Petey. I don't know her well right now, but she's definitely a prime example of a tabby, always running around and wanting to play. She's a very good kitty, and I'm excited to get to know her!